Djibouti, Foreign Military Bases on the Horn of Africa; Who is there? What are they up to?

De Faakto Intelligence Research Observatory Djibouti, Foreign Military Bases on the Horn of Africa; Who is there? What are they up to? Methodology OSINT-research Background & Analysis Djibouti is a small dusty coastal nation on the Horn of Africa that has the distinction of…

Modern Piracy Primer-An Open Source Study

De Faakto Intelligence Research Observatory Modern Piracy Primer-An Open Source Study Methodology OSINT–research Background & Analysis Modern piracy is a criminal activity that is…

Russian Strategy in Sub-Sahara Africa, Military & Industrial Partnerships-What is Russia up to?

De Faakto Intelligence Research Observatory Russian Strategy in Sub-Sahara Africa, Military &…

Russian Strategy & Vladimir Putin’s Symbolic Bridge, Keeping NATO out of Crimea & the Sea of Azov-De Faakto Intelligence Analysis

De Faakto Intelligence Research Observatory   Russian Strategy & Vladimir Putin’s Symbolic Bridge, Keeping NATO out of Crimea & the Sea…

CHLORINE as a Chemical Weapon & Psychological Warfare Tool-De Faakto OSINT Analysis

De Faakto Intelligence Research Observatory CHLORINE as a Chemical Weapon & Psychological Warfare…

Mysterious Health Attacks Against U.S. & Canadian Diplomatic Embassy Staff-Cuba & China- An Open Source Intelligence Study by De Faakto

  De Faakto Intelligence Research Observatory Mysterious Health Attacks Against U.S. & Canadian Diplomatic Embassy…

Chinas Foreign Infrastructure is changing the Balance of Global Power and Influence-De Faakto OSINT Study

De Faakto Intelligence Research Observatory Chinas Foreign Infrastructure Engineering, Finance & Management is changing the Balance of Global Power and…

De Faakto OSINT Analysis-Criminal/Terrorist Drone Hazard

De Faakto Intelligence Research Observatory Criminal/Terrorist Drone Hazard Methodology-OSINT research Situation Airborne Drone Hazard-Improvised Explosive Device Attacks, Surreptitious Surveillance, Other High Risk Drone…


19 APRIL 2019 DE FAAKTO OUTBREAK INTELLIGENCE SITUATION UPDATE-DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Update-The World Health Organization   Key Points There is a continued…

Mercenary Hub, United Arab Emirates-Building A Legitimate Emirate’ Foreign Legion

  Intelligence Research Observatory Mercenary Hub,…

Cuba-The Frontline of Intelligence Warfare, an Overview


Turtle Tanks and Drone Intelligence-Russia Might be Winning-What’s the Frequency Kenneth?

  De Faakto Intelligence Research Observatory   Turtle Tanks and Drone Intelligence-Russia Might be…

Naval Warfare & Marine Mammals-An Open Source Intelligence Study

  Intelligence Research Observatory   Naval…

Heavy Contraband Alliance-Putin & Rocket Man-Clandestine Trading

  Intelligence Research Observatory   Heavy Contraband…

Intelligence Notes- Into the Meat Grinder, Attrition of Russian Special Forces in Ukraine

    Intelligence Research Observatory   Intelligence…

Ramzan Kadyrov, Putin’s Man in Chechnya

Intelligence Research Observatory   Ramzan Kadyrov, Putin’s Man in Chechnya   Methodology–OSINT research Author-S.A. Cavanagh  Research Assistance-Chuck Stevens   Background and Analysis Ramzan Kadyrov…

Drones on the Battlefield, Killing on the Economy

  Intelligence Research Observatory   Drones…

Wagner Losses, Dead & Injured, Complex Secret Body Counts

  Intelligence Research Observatory Cover…


Bilolocation Tactics -The Next Warfighting Revolution

  Intelligence Research Observatory Cover…