Djibouti, Foreign Military Bases on the Horn of Africa; Who is there? What are they up to?

Modern Piracy Primer-An Open Source Study

Russian Strategy in Sub-Sahara Africa, Military & Industrial Partnerships-What is Russia up to?

Russian Strategy & Vladimir Putin’s Symbolic Bridge, Keeping NATO out of Crimea & the Sea of Azov-De Faakto Intelligence Analysis

CHLORINE as a Chemical Weapon & Psychological Warfare Tool-De Faakto OSINT Analysis

Mysterious Health Attacks Against U.S. & Canadian Diplomatic Embassy Staff-Cuba & China- An Open Source Intelligence Study by De Faakto

Chinas Foreign Infrastructure is changing the Balance of Global Power and Influence-De Faakto OSINT Study

De Faakto OSINT Analysis-Criminal/Terrorist Drone Hazard


Mercenary Hub, United Arab Emirates-Building A Legitimate Emirate’ Foreign Legion

Cuba-The Frontline of Intelligence Warfare, an Overview

Turtle Tanks and Drone Intelligence-Russia Might be Winning-What’s the Frequency Kenneth?

Naval Warfare & Marine Mammals-An Open Source Intelligence Study

Heavy Contraband Alliance-Putin & Rocket Man-Clandestine Trading

Intelligence Notes- Into the Meat Grinder, Attrition of Russian Special Forces in Ukraine

Ramzan Kadyrov, Putin’s Man in Chechnya

Drones on the Battlefield, Killing on the Economy

Wagner Losses, Dead & Injured, Complex Secret Body Counts


Bilolocation Tactics -The Next Warfighting Revolution

Ukrainian Land Deep Battle Strategy & Tactics